Service Members Continue To File Army Earplug Lawsuits

Army Earplug Lawsuit News

3M should be held accountable for failing to warn the military that their earplugs did not perform as advertised and cause hearing damage

Monday, June 24, 2019 - Tinnitus is the number-one disability among US military veterans filing claims for disability income. Tinnitus has been described as a buzzing sound, a high-pitched whistle or a ringing in the ears, and has triggered post-traumatic stress disorder in thousands of servicemen returning from overseas combat. The Department of Veterans Affairs put emphasis on Tinnitus as the leading cause of unnecessary disability and a very preventable condition.

"Hearing loss affects more than 28 million Americans, including more than half of those over age 75. Hearing problems-including Tinnitus, which is a ringing, buzzing, or other types of noise that originates in the head-are by far the most prevalent service-connected disability among American Veterans."

Billions of dollar have been paid out for hearing-related injuries since 2009 when the statistic was recorded. Most cases of hearing loss can be corrected to an acceptable degree with hearing aids or implants, however, only around 20% of hearing impaired individuals seek treatment. Surgery and medication may also be recommended to help correct the disability. According to the VA, around 1 million military veterans are receiving hearing impairment-related disability benefits from the army and even more from Tinnitus. The VA cites a condition known as auditory processing disorder associated with exposure to bomb blasts as the cause of servicemembers testing normally but being unable to process speech.

Servicemembers who have returned from active duty are encouraged to get their hearing checked by an independent third party audiologist. According to the VA, around 80% of those with Tinnitus do not know they have it because it does not affect their sleep or concentration. If left unaddressed, Tinnitus often leads to mental depression and anxiety.

Soldiers assumed that their hearing protection needs had been sufficiently addressed when they deployed and received the 3M army earplug, a double-ended device that they were told protected against high decibel noises as well as provide for communications between soldiers. What they were not told was that 3M, the device's manufacturer, sold the device to the military in spite of knowing of the defect beforehand. As a result of the earplugs malfunctioning, thousands of service members have returned home with Tinnitus and are receiving permanent disability income. Thousands of service members have hired Army Earplug lawyers to help them file a claim against 3M for reimbursement of their medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering caused by being unable to sleep in addition to 3M fraudulently selling the defective product to the military. 3M has already paid $9 million to reimburse the US taxpayer for wasting their tax dollars. There is no indication that 3M has any intention of recalling the device and service members continue to use them. The defective 3M earplug failed servicemember on active duty as many were rendered hearing impaired as a result of being close to battlefield explosions.

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Lawsuits for Defective 3M Earplugs

Filing a lawsuit will allow you to hold 3M accountable for damage it has caused you or a loved one, while also providing real compensation for your medical expenses, suffering and loss. Contact us today for a free consultation.