Military Veterans Returning Home Tell Stories of Hearing Loss In Spite of Wearing Hearing Protection

Army Earplug Lawsuit News

The 3M Dual-Sided Combat Army Earplug turned out not to be the one-size-fits-all hearing protection device that the company promised the military causing hearing damage to thousands of US service members

Monday, December 9, 2019 - Over 1000 US Army veterans have filed lawsuits against 3M Inc. alleging that the 3M Dual-Sided Combat Army Earplug malfunctioned causing their hearing loss and tinnitus. Hearing loss and tinnitus have been the leading causes of military disability filings since soldiers began returning from duty overseas in the Middle East and Afghanistan in 2003. Payments for military disability benefits due to hearing damage cost US taxpayers billions of dollars every year. 3M had sold the combat protective device to the military and made a fortune in profits, all the while knowing that the device was defective and would not work. 3M denies responsibility for misrepresenting their product to the military although they did pay a $9.1 million whistleblower lawsuit when an employee came forward and revealed what the company knew about the defective earplugs. The $9 million settlement was a mere pittance compared to the over $30 billion in annual revenue the company grosses, much of it from military contracts. A 3M spokesperson recently told "We deny this product was defectively designed and caused injuries, and we will vigorously defend ourselves against such allegations." 3M Army Earplug attorneys handling recalled products have vast experience handling big corporations litigations with a winning track record and offer a free consultation.

Military veterans have the right to file a claim for the damages they have suffered like the loss of income from being unable to work, actual medical expenses, as well as to seek lump-sum punitive damages from being unable to enjoy a normal life post when they returned home to their families. Hearing loss is every bit as disabling as losing a limb or other service-related injuries, maybe more so some in some ways.

Channel 7 News Boston recently published an investigative report of one such military veteran who returned home from war suffering from tinnitus, a loud, constant, and maddening ringing in his ears. Tinnitus sufferers have difficulty participating in a normal conversation and need a noise distraction such as a fan or TV playing in the background to get to sleep. The report details the experience of army veteran Robert Manix whose job it was to protect his unit of soldiers riding in a turret ready to fire his 50 caliber machine gun. "You could feel it in your chest. Your whole body shakes." Channel 7 reports. Earplugs were standard issue military safety equipment like a helmet, flack jacket, and other protective devices and soldiers took it for granted that they were being issued the best equipment that money could buy. Manix told reporters that his superiors stressed how important it was to always wear their hearing protection device and if they did not, they would suffer hearing damage. Mannix's suffering post service touches every aspect of his life including being unable to communicate with his family.

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Lawsuits for Defective 3M Earplugs

Filing a lawsuit will allow you to hold 3M accountable for damage it has caused you or a loved one, while also providing real compensation for your medical expenses, suffering and loss. Contact us today for a free consultation.