Army Testing Points To The Need For Improving Hearing Protection Equipment

Army Earplug Lawsuit News

US Taxpayers are footing the bill for billions of dollars in military disability income payments every year because the 3M Combat Army Earplug allegedly did not work

Tuesday, July 14, 2020 - Issues about money get more media attention than physical injuries alone when taken separately. It can be a powerful force, however, when the two go hand-in-hand as is the case with the subtle yet life-altering hearing injuries that soldiers suffered allegedly because of the failure of their hearing protection equipment. As of the time of this writing, more military veterans are reliant on disability income payments due to hearing loss than any other combat injury like amputations. Military disability income payments are costing taxpayers billions of dollars per year. Army Earplug lawyers are available for a free consultation with no obligation to file a case.

An increasing number of those soldiers are blaming their hearing impairment on the failure of the 3M Dual-Sided Combat Army Earplug and have sought legal guidance from qualified Army Earplug Lawyers. The ranks of Army Earplugs plaintiff increase by the hundreds every month and thousands have filed suit. "Veterans have filed more than 1,000 lawsuits accusing 3M of making defective earplugs. 3M is accused of looking the other way and ignoring what they knew of the defective hearing protection device. Army, National Guard and Navy veterans from Minnesota to California and Texas are accusing 3M of knowingly making defective earplugs that caused vets to lose hearing during combat in Iraq or Afghanistan or while training on U.S. military bases," according to Task and has written that, "Hundreds of thousands of troops suffered hearing loss from 3M's faulty battlefield earplugs. They allege that the company and its private equity-fueled acquisition falsified data and knowingly hid evidence."

In response to the outcry by military veterans that have accused their hearing protection device of failing and causing their permanent hearing loss, the Army has taken steps to test more soldiers for hearing damage. Hearing reports on the problem. "Hearing protection has been standard issue for combat forces since 2002, but even so, one in four soldiers returning home report hearing loss, dizziness, or ringing in the ears, according to Army audiologists." Hearing Review (HR) points out that blown eardrums are the most common hearing injury reported by soldiers usually occurring from enemy explosive devices during combat. The result of having a blown eardrum is like tearing the head of a snare drum. Every time a sound wave hits it produces a crackling, tin-like tinkle on the surface instead of the pure resonance of the inner drum. Blown eardrums can be repaired with skin grafts, however, normal hearing can not be restored. The blasts of improvised explosive devices in Iraq and Afghanistan left soldiers, not with tears, but with "mallet size holes" in their eardrums according to military sources reporting to HR.

According to HR, "Loud noises such as those from improvised explosive devices-the top cause for hearing loss in Iraq and Afghanistan-can cause conductive hearing loss, sensory neuro hearing loss, or tinnitus."

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Lawsuits for Defective 3M Earplugs

Filing a lawsuit will allow you to hold 3M accountable for damage it has caused you or a loved one, while also providing real compensation for your medical expenses, suffering and loss. Contact us today for a free consultation.