Service Members Claim 3M's Defective Combat Army Earplug Caused Permanent Hearing Damage

Army Earplug Lawsuit News

Another serviceman has come forward and filed a lawsuit against 3M Inc., the maker of the Combat Army Earplug

Monday, November 11, 2019 - A Toledo Ohio serviceman has come forward and filed a lawsuit against 3M Inc., maker of the 3M Combat Army Earplug, for knowingly representing to the US government a product that the company knew was defective, dangerous, and deadly. WTOL 11 in Toledo reports that 20-year US Army veteran Sgt. 1st Class Tim LeDoux alleges that a flaw in the 3M Combat Army earplugs led to his developing tinnitus, a constant and maddening ringing in the ears. According to the news agency, "The Veterans Administration says 2.7 million veterans are receiving disability for hearing loss or tinnitus and a wave of litigation - including Tim LeDoux's case - is just beginning." Lawyers are accusing 3M of manipulating earplug test data and presenting fraudulent data regarding the earplugs to the army in order part of a billion-dollar government contract. Army Earplug lawsuit are handled by national attorneys representing Veterans families and individuals filing claims against the makers 3M and offer a free consultation before filing a lawsuit claim.

Symptoms of Tinnitus include PTSD-like symptoms that may cause psychological impairment. Veterans returning home with Tinnitus report that the feeling that they are being driven insane from the non-stop ringing in their ears. Tinnitus sufferers also report that they are unable to sleep thus unable to work, raise a family, and unable to enjoy even the routine pleasures of life. Tinnitus sufferers experience a long list of the injury's side effects are rendered permanently disabled. Tinnitus sufferers may find comfort in certain anti-anxiety drugs steroid medications that could make the maddening ringing of tinnitus at least manageable.

The Veterans Administration reports that hearing loss is the leading reason service members give for their disability when filing a claim for disability income. More than 2 million men and women that used the 3M Combat Army Earplug currently receive disability income benefits due to hearing loss and tinnitus. 3M Inc., recently paid a $9.1 million fine, a small fraction of the income the company made from selling the earplugs to the US government, to the Department of Justice over a whistleblower lawsuit revealed that the company knew the earplugs would not work as advertised by chose to cover up this information.

Combat veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan that have served between the years 2003 and 2015 have suffered varying degrees of hearing loss from being near gunfire and explosions from tanks and mortars. Most may qualify to file a claim against 3M INC, the maker of the defective, standard-issue dual-ended 3M Combat Army Earplug. US soldiers were told that they could rely on the earplugs to block gunfire and explosive noises and at the same time allowing mission-critical voice communication to be heard. Veterans may seek reimbursement for their past and ongoing medical expenses, psychological counseling, equipment, and home improvement costs related to their hearing impairment, lost wages, and pain, and suffering. Thousands of US veterans are contacting Combat Army Earplug lawyers for guidance in filing a claim.

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Lawsuits for Defective 3M Earplugs

Filing a lawsuit will allow you to hold 3M accountable for damage it has caused you or a loved one, while also providing real compensation for your medical expenses, suffering and loss. Contact us today for a free consultation.